I’m not sure what you wanton this page because there’s not much on the current site.
What I think you should have here is a page full of stories and pictures of selected customers. We can use the post format for this and simply establish a “customers” category. Then every time you do a new project you can add a new post and it will appear here.
Below is a sample layout.
Supervann 900
BS Designs Announces New Composite-Blade Propeller for Supervan
From the designers of the Supervan modified Caravan comes a new company, BS Designs, Inc., a company dedicated to further performance increases in the Supervan and other aircraft. In its efforts to drive the performance [...]
Hartzell and Texas Turbine Conversions Develop New Supervan 900™ Composite Prop
Piqua, Ohio, July 11, 2016 - Hartzell Propeller and airplane modifier Texas Turbine Conversions are collaborating on a Supplemental Type Certificate for a new four-blade composite swept propeller for single-engine Supervan 900™ aircraft. The propeller [...]
Supervan 900 Receives Approval from Canadian officials for Commercial IFR Flight operations.
Texas Turbine Conversions is pleased to announce that its Supervan 900 engine conversion has received approval from Transport Canada officials to conduct commercial IFR flight operations within Canada. With additional details to follow shortly, this [...]
SuperVan 900 arrives in Africa!
You couldn't have asked for a more picturesque location when we did a recent delivery of our first SuperVan 900 into South Africa. Having completed the installation at one of our installation facilities at Wonderboom [...]
Texas Turbine Conversions announces availability of its Cessna Caravan engine conversion in Africa
Texas Turbine Conversions, Inc. officially announced the availability of its successful Supervan 900 engine conversion, to the continent of Africa. Download PDF
Banyan Teams with Texas Turbine on Caravan Conversion
Fort Lauderdale-based Banyan Air Service's maintenance team has partnered with Texas Turbine Conversions of Celina, Texas. The pair plans to perform engine upgrades on the Cessna Caravan using a Texas Turbine Conversions-developed supplemental type certificate [...]
Skydive Spaceland Welcomes the Supervan 900!
It's back, bigger, better, faster, and with another blade on the prop! Our Cessna Grand Caravan recently returned from its Supervan 900 conversion and we are LOVING IT!!!! It's not every drop zone that can [...]
Nzone Doubles its passenger capacity
Nzone has doubled its passenger capacity, improved operational efficiency by 33 percent and reduced their fuel burn by approximately 35 percent, from 5.55 liters per jumper to 3.6 liters per jumper. DOWNLOAD PDF
Skydiving operator sees jump in business and fall in operating costs
Donnerflug Aviation Services GmbH, a Germany-based skydiving operator, has grown its business with the Supervan 900 aircraft – a Cessna Caravan conversion with Honeywell’s TPE331-12JR turboprop engine offered by Texas Turbine Conversions, Inc. Since operating [...]
Super Otter
BS Designs Announces New Composite-Blade Propeller for Supervan
From the designers of the Supervan modified Caravan comes a new company, BS Designs, Inc., a company dedicated to further performance increases in the Supervan and other aircraft. In its efforts to drive the performance [...]
Hartzell and Texas Turbine Conversions Develop New Supervan 900™ Composite Prop
Piqua, Ohio, July 11, 2016 - Hartzell Propeller and airplane modifier Texas Turbine Conversions are collaborating on a Supplemental Type Certificate for a new four-blade composite swept propeller for single-engine Supervan 900™ aircraft. The propeller [...]
Supervan 900 Receives Approval from Canadian officials for Commercial IFR Flight operations.
Texas Turbine Conversions is pleased to announce that its Supervan 900 engine conversion has received approval from Transport Canada officials to conduct commercial IFR flight operations within Canada. With additional details to follow shortly, this [...]
SuperVan 900 arrives in Africa!
You couldn't have asked for a more picturesque location when we did a recent delivery of our first SuperVan 900 into South Africa. Having completed the installation at one of our installation facilities at Wonderboom [...]
Texas Turbine Conversions announces availability of its Cessna Caravan engine conversion in Africa
Texas Turbine Conversions, Inc. officially announced the availability of its successful Supervan 900 engine conversion, to the continent of Africa. Download PDF
Banyan Teams with Texas Turbine on Caravan Conversion
Fort Lauderdale-based Banyan Air Service's maintenance team has partnered with Texas Turbine Conversions of Celina, Texas. The pair plans to perform engine upgrades on the Cessna Caravan using a Texas Turbine Conversions-developed supplemental type certificate [...]
Skydive Spaceland Welcomes the Supervan 900!
It's back, bigger, better, faster, and with another blade on the prop! Our Cessna Grand Caravan recently returned from its Supervan 900 conversion and we are LOVING IT!!!! It's not every drop zone that can [...]
Nzone Doubles its passenger capacity
Nzone has doubled its passenger capacity, improved operational efficiency by 33 percent and reduced their fuel burn by approximately 35 percent, from 5.55 liters per jumper to 3.6 liters per jumper. DOWNLOAD PDF
Skydiving operator sees jump in business and fall in operating costs
Donnerflug Aviation Services GmbH, a Germany-based skydiving operator, has grown its business with the Supervan 900 aircraft – a Cessna Caravan conversion with Honeywell’s TPE331-12JR turboprop engine offered by Texas Turbine Conversions, Inc. Since operating [...]