Our Customers2016-10-25T02:48:39+00:00

I’m not sure what you wanton this page because there’s not much on the current site.

What I think you should have here is a page full of stories and pictures of selected customers.  We can use the post format for this and simply establish a “customers” category.  Then every time you do a new project you can add a new post and it will appear here.

Below is a sample layout.

Supervann 900

SuperVan 900 arrives in Africa!

You couldn't have asked for a more picturesque location when we did a recent delivery of our first SuperVan 900 into South Africa. Having completed the installation at one of our installation facilities at Wonderboom [...]

By |April 24th, 2014|Categories: Customers, News|0 Comments

Super Otter

SuperVan 900 arrives in Africa!

You couldn't have asked for a more picturesque location when we did a recent delivery of our first SuperVan 900 into South Africa. Having completed the installation at one of our installation facilities at Wonderboom [...]

By |April 24th, 2014|Categories: Customers, News|0 Comments

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